woensdag 18 augustus 2010

Day to a Mountain

When we were in Austria we went to the GroB Glockner, that is the highest mountain of Austria. On the way to the GroB Glockner we saw a waterfall.

Arrived at the GroB Glockner you can see this picture:

You can't see it on the pictures, but you can walk on the glacier. And we did that ofcourse. That was pretty cool and cold. It was cool because you walk on ice.

When we ride back to the appartment we came some snow against. We stopped the car and go stand in the snow! That was also cool because it is summer and it was also cold because I had my birckenstocks (flipflops) on. :P I didn't have a pictures of me in the snow but I have a pictures from the snow!

5 opmerkingen:

  1. Thank you
    And you also soothsayer member of my blog: D


  2. Oh wow, how beautiful! Thank you for sharing your trip pictures:) Thanks again for dropping by my blog!


  3. This looks like such an amazing trip. I love your pictures...the air looks so fresh and crisp and clean!! I bet it was a wonderful time!!


  4. great pics x



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